I haven't had a computer at home for the past month or so, so I am vastly out of date with lots of things internet-related. That said, I'm kind of enjoying it, and I think I may go scrape my facebook list for every email address I might need in the next 20 years and then shut it down for good. I was kind of hanging on to it because every once in awhile I get in touch with someone I've been wanting to get back in touch with, but seriously, I have a hard enough time living in the present without getting messages for a million events I don't care to attend and already feel overwhelmed trying to make time for everyone in my very scattered network in Montreal (I should really have a big party so you can all become friends. ok? ok!). So yeah, Facebook's gonna go, in the name of living in the present and wanting to give more attention to the people that are most important to me.
Some of the things I've wanted to blog about during this time but haven't:
- hitchhiking to Gaspe. People were amazingly kind and we even got picked up by a guy who knows my uncle! We camped alongside the highway the first night and then beside the Fleuve at the Sea Shack in Ste-Anne des Monts. photos below.
- Wine and Keys with Wai-Yant. Yuval donated his loft for an evening and we had a small intimate show with our best friends. warm fuzzies all around and I love you all dearly.
- listening to lots of Wormwood. I decided awhile back I wanted to start podcasting so I went on a hunt for the best stuff out there. This is my best find so far. It's so good it's making me think twice about doing it myself... but come on, of course I will.
Photos from the trip to Gaspé!

taking the ferry to Levis from Quebec City

sunset a ways outside Quebec City

stopping for lunch alongside a river

more river

making friends along the way

camping spot outside Ste-Anne des Monts

wind energy along the peninsula. people actually complain about having these things in sight, if you can believe it.